Fresh Veggies


If you don’t already have a mindfulness practice, you might consider going back to this page and working through the ”Starter Kit for Establishing a Mindfulness Meditation Practice.” OR find some you like better on YouTube – there are thousands of them!

• If you already have a mindfulness practice, you may want to get a “refresher” by practicing mindfulness for 20 to 45 minutes every day for at least 6 days this week using these or other recordings. Feel free to mix it up a bit, using the Body Scan some days, one or two of the other guided meditations on other days, some lovingkindness meditations on other days...

• Watch this video about mindfulness.

A taste of mindful eating: do this a time or two in a quiet, peaceful space.

• How to lose weight (26-minute video).


• Recipe to Losing Weight 

• Food and Addiction: Treating through Mindfulness Awareness (30 min.)

• Check out this article about managing urges - while it’s focus is addiction, it applies to eating:

• Some specific info from Dr. Gregor's site:

Michael Gregor 2016 talk 1.5 hour video “How Not to Die” 

Michael Gregor 2014 talk 1 hour video “From Table to Able” 

Michael Gregor 2012 talk 1 hour video “Uprooting the causes of Death” 

Michael Gregor collection of materials re preventing and treating diabetes

• More info on the benefits of a Whole Foods and a Plant-Based diet.

• Check out this interesting video Chef’s Table – Cooking Nun (Netflix)