Pay Pal: When you click on the photo of a Peruvian Market below, my PayPal payment page will appear.
Follow the usual payment process transferring from your own PayPal account or charging the amount to your Credit or Debit Card or better yet, use your Health Saving Account! If it works better for you, I can send you a request for payment from my PayPal account - makes it easy.
Venmo: To pay with Venmo, log into your Venmo account and send your payment to "John-ShealyPhD" if you are asked, the last 4 digits on my phone number are "2996". If you like, I can send you a request for payment. Or you can use this QR code to access my account.
My Venmo account is private so nobody will see that you sent me money unless they see it on your end. If you'd like to make your account private, go to settings then, click "privacy" and check "private".
Drop me a note if you have any questions.
WISE: I also accept payments to my Wise account. This can be especially useful if you're in a part of the world where PayPal and Venmo aren't options or are difficult to use in one way or another. You'll find my Wise account under: john@bemindful.org
Just let me know if you'll be using Wise so I can confirm receipt of your payment.
Drop me a note if you have any questions.
BILL: With this app I can send you an invoice that you can pay directly from your checking account.
Drop me a note if you have any questions.